Monday, September 14, 2009


This week's One Single Impression prompt was "Thirst". Here are a couple of takes...

Summer's end

Dry ghosts whispering
through tall yellowing tassels
of late summer corn


loneliness baking
cracks deep into my landscape.
i persist here, parched


Tumblewords: said...

Both of these are wonderfully vivid!

Amias (ljm and liquidplastic) said...

The first one is ok .. but the second one made me stand up and take notice.

Scribbles said...

Thank you for the kind compliments! if you have any suggestions for improvements, please let me know.

Tumblewords: I'm a big fan of your poetry and fractals!

Amias: Looking forward to reading more of your blog! what I've seen so far is great!

Tammie Lee said...

you have chosen words that take me into your tale. Each poem is wonderful.

SandyCarlson said...

These are startling. Thanks.

Sij said...

The promise of the rains compells us to fight our thirst.