Tuesday, July 21, 2009



coming up for air
too long spent resolutely
drowning:(sky's so blue!)


waves against the shore
muffle the sound of endless
fights i never win


always spinning 'round
will i? won't i? does he?: [trapped]
by my foolish mind


SandyCarlson said...

Those waves seem to me to be hinting at stories we can only imagine. Beautiful contribution. Thanks.

Sandra.if said...

beautiful thoughts!

gabrielle said...

the dance can be exhausting. so glad you are getting a breather.

Tumblewords: said...

Nice - I sometimes get monkeymind confused with inner voice and it leaves me in a 'treading water' space. Enjoyed this...

Unknown said...

I enjoy your post so much! These pieces in particular strike me as very lyrical...as in, have you put any thought into setting these to a melody? I think they would make a powerful song.