Thursday, January 10, 2008


This weeks One Deep Breath prompt is "Moonstruck", an excellent choice! Lately my nights have been interrupted frequently by the newest addition to the family, a 3 month old kitten who is the most interesting mixture of evil and cuteness. So here is the 'ku she inspired to fit this prompt!


moonlight awakens
midnight kitten energy
pouncing on my face


Karen said...

HAHAHAH Pouncing on your face...

Annie Jeffries said...

omigosh, I am just whooping and falling over my desk with laughter. What delightful memories this evokes.

Scribbles said...

Glad you guys liked it!

Roswila said...

You captured that kittenish moment!

SandyCarlson said...

Mmmm. What fun! You've capture a moment of sensuous joy. Well done.

qualcosa di bello said...

what sweetness you words contain!! i love when mockingbirds sing in the must pull the animals too!

Tumblewords: said...

How fun! Love it!

Crafty Green Poet said...

midnight kitten energy - very cute, very annoying too I imagine

Scribbles said...

Oh yeah, cute but annoying is a good description! they grow out of this, right? maybe?