Tuesday, March 13, 2007


I am trying to focus on calm and serenity for the One Deep Breath prompt this week, but am finding myself with images that are more in motion than I would normally associate with this theme. So bear with me a little, and I'll try to get it right...

Frog Meditation

rain in a chipped cup
past the white porcelain edge
the frogs eyes peer out

Fish Meditation

white petals floating
koi swim in stately spirals
my thoughts turn to you

Night Meditation

the broken mirror
reflecting silver moonlight
on your sleeping form

Finding Serenity




whispered phrase

reminds me to breathe

draws me back to life unfinished


Roswila said...

These are all really good, IMHO, and all share something of stillness. I particularly like this one:

the broken mirror
reflecting silver moonlight
on your sleeping form

It suggests so much....

jem said...

'The broken mirror' one is very strong for me. Its silent and still but has so much suggestion and thought within it. Its one that I will be thinking about long beyond the point when I stop reading it.

Tammy Brierly said...

I loved them all, you are really doing amazing writing.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Yes they are all good, my favourite moment though is the image of the koi swimming under the white petals. That is just perfect...

Marcia (MeeAugraphie) said...

The broken mirror is the stronger one, but they all read well, and like Roswila, I also felt a stillness, for me they were meditative. I love the fib.